05.Aug 2022

Case of the month: 8-year-old female spayed European Shorthair cat with vaginal discharge and elevated body temperature


Signalment and anamnesis

  • 8-year-old female spayed European Shorthair cat with vaginal discharge for the last 5 days and anorexia since yesterday
  • Physical examination revealed elevated body temperature (39.5° C/103.1 F)

For further clarification the following radiographs were taken:


Radiographic description

  • A pear-shaped mass is visible in the caudal abdomen, tapering toward the pelvic inlet
  • The mass measures approximately five vertebral body lengths and displaces the descending colon dorsally, the urinary bladder ventrally, and the small bowel loops cranially
  • Abdominal contrast detail is normal, with no evidence of peritoneal fluid or peritonitis. The surrounding bony structures are unremarkable


  • Given the age, history and clinical exam findings, stump pyometra is most likely in this patient


Above: uterus stump 

Below: urinary bladder


  • Ovarian remnants and stump pyometra were sonographically and surgically confirmed and removed


  • Uterine stump pyometra is a common complication associated with ovarian remnant ("ovarian remnant syndrome") after ovariohysterectomy, or after administration of progestogens
  • Ovarian remnant syndrome is usually diagnosed in spayed females with recurrent oestrus
  • Therapy should include complete surgical removal of the remaining ovarian tissue and abnormal uterus


Many thanks to Dr. ECVDI Thorsten Rick for this case report!

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